

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – Penn State University Health Services (大学保健处)鼓励学生预防猴痘 in light of cases in Pennsylvania and nationally. 猴痘是一种主要通过长时间密切接触传播的病毒感染. It is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI), and anybody can be at risk, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. 猴痘最常见的症状包括发烧、皮疹和淋巴结肿大.

UHS encourages all students to learn about monkeypox最近被宣布为全国突发公共卫生事件 and to take necessary precautions.

“我们知道,学生们经常住得很近,花很多时间与同龄人密切互动, 因此,我们希望我们的社区意识到猴痘的迹象和症状,以及他们可以采取的措施来保护自己和整个校园社区,” said Dr. Rebecca Simcik, medical director of UHS. “我们正与宾夕法尼亚州卫生部和疾病控制与预防中心保持密切联系, and we have a response plan in place for diagnosing, 评估和治疗任何可能感染猴痘病毒的学生.”


According to the CDC, 患有猴痘的人通常会在生殖器或肛门上或附近出现皮疹,也可能在身体的其他部位出现皮疹, including the hands, feet, chest, face or mouth. Other symptoms of monkeypox can include fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion, muscle aches and backache, headache, and respiratory symptoms like a sore throat, nasal congestion or cough.

美国还没有猴痘病毒导致的死亡病例, 个人通常不需要药物治疗就能自愈. However, 有潜在健康状况的人可能会出现更严重的猴痘病例, if contracted.

Transmission and prevention

由于猴痘不是性传播感染(STI), condoms do not guard against it, and it can be spread outside of sexual interactions. 它也可以被所有人感染,无论性取向或性别认同如何. It spreads in four main ways:

  • Direct contact with monkeypox rash, scabs or body fluids.
  • 长期直接接触呼吸道分泌物, face-to-face contact or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling or sex.
  • 直接接触曾接触过猴痘患者皮疹或体液的物品或织物.
  • 被受感染动物抓伤或咬伤(宠物可被猴痘感染).

从症状开始到皮疹完全愈合和新皮肤形成,这种病毒是具有传染性的, which can take two to four weeks.

Protecting yourself

To protect against monkeypox, students and others should avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash. Other precautions include:

  • 经常用肥皂和水洗手,或者使用含酒精的洗手液.
  • Do not touch the rash or scabs of a person with monkeypox.
  • 不要亲吻、拥抱、拥抱或与猴痘患者发生性关系.
  • 不要与患猴痘的人共用餐具或杯子.
  • 不要处理或触摸猴痘患者的床上用品、毛巾或衣物.

What to do if you contract monkeypox

保健处建议出现猴痘症状的大学公园学生到 schedule an appointment with UHS 或致电24/7咨询护士814-865-4UHS(4847),然后按3. Commonwealth Campus students should visit their campus health center or other health care provider for next steps and testing.

有活跃皮疹或症状的学生应在家中自我隔离,并尽可能远离其他人或宠物. 住在校园里的学生将被要求搬到一个隔离的空间. Since the isolation period can be up to four weeks, 在校学生应该做好在家隔离的准备. 学生事务处的工作人员将为无法旅行的个人提供帮助. 因为猴痘病毒通过直接接触传播, 如果班上的学生感染了病毒,必须进行隔离,教职员工将不会收到通知. 鼓励必须隔离的学生与他们的个人导师和/或学术顾问讨论学术问题.

有猴痘症状的教职员工应该呆在家里,不要上班,并联系他们的医疗保健提供者进行检测或其他下一步措施. Employees who test positive should isolate at home, away from others in their household, 如果可能的话,安排远程工作或利用病假,直到隔离期结束.

任何可能与猴痘患者有过接触的人都应密切监测自己的健康状况, 留意症状,如出现症状,请联络保健处或其医护人员安排预约.

学生如担心感染猴痘的风险,可联络大学保健处或他们的医护人员. 遇到任何相关偏见或骚扰的学生可以向“报告偏见”网站提交报告 equity.psozxd.com/reportbias. For individual support related to bias or harassment, students can reach out to these Student Affairs offices: Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity or Counseling and Psychological Services.

University Health Services, a unit of Penn State Student Affairs, 继续监测病毒,并将在欧博官网app下载变化或新欧博官网app下载可用时更新欧博体育官网社区.

For more information about monkeypox, 访问欧博体育官网学生事务健康和保健网站.